
Which Is Better UITF or Mutual Funds?

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I tend to get asked this question a lot. And the common answer is neither, both or it depends on the fund.

You can actually compare a Unit Investment Trust Funds against a Mutual Funds as long as they're both invested in the same asset class (ex. they're both equity funds). It doesn't seem helpful at all to draw a line between these two types of investment vehicles.

In reality of course, each has their own advocates. It's nothing like debating VUL vs BTID, which can be contentious. But usually people do have their own preference.
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Is ‘Networking’ Inherently Evil or a Scam?

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For sure, you are familiar with the line: ‘Open-minded ka ba?’ 

And I am so much willing to bet my life one thousand peso bill that you know. 

Trending kaya ‘yan… So imposible namang hindi mo pa narinig. 

Yup, I am talking about network marketing which Pinoys fondly call simply as networking.

And our knee-jerk reaction when we hear this word is disgust. Why? Maybe because of the fear of us becoming new victims where we will be made to purchase overpriced products or to be lured and become recruits. 

This is saddening. How ‘selling’ has acquired this tainted meaning in the marketing arena —as we have already pointed out in this previous blog post

But is networking inherently evil or scam? 
Is networking a scam?
Is network marketing a scam?
You might nod in affirmation. And we can’t blame you. Nowadays, offline and online, we can see how pyramid schemes have been popping out wildly like mushrooms. 

All are very aggressive at pursuing pathetic people with little to no financial education. But the answer is no; networking is not inherently evil. And I am about to teach you how to spot the good ones. 

Let’s go.
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ABC's to Financial Independence

ABC's to Financial Independence

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It’s funny how a lot of people will excitingly raise their hands to the question of.. 

“Who wants to be a millionaire?” 

..but only a few (and some will even hesitate) wants to pursue the necessary work to achieve financial independence. 

What then is financial independence? 

A lot wants it but only a few clearly defines what financial independence is for them. That is why, most people end up quite unfulfilled in their (specifically) financial goals. 

Now, let’s define financial independence in this simplest form. Let’s imagine that we are shopping in a department store. Look here, look there...and voila! There it is, the item that you really want. Pick it up! Disregard looking at the price tag. Hurry! Go to the counter! Pay! 

How do you feel? 

For some, it will be horror. Why? What if they don’t have enough cash on hand or it’s another expense on top of the piled up loans and debts they have?
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Practical Money Tips for #Adulting 101

Practical Money Tips for #Adulting 101

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So this morning, as I was preparing for work and having my breakfast, I grabbed my mug of steaming hot coffee and brushed through the newspaper for some interesting news articles (not all articles catch my attention, especially the nasty ones like political bouts and dramas). 

One write-up caught my choosy eyes though. The title goes: "City Scholar sends a Thank You Letter to the Mayor". And I skimmed thru that and after reading it, I closed the newspaper, sipped the remaining coffee in my mug and thought about the scholar subject in the news bit *and the many graduates like her*. 

After graduation, for sure, companies will be waiting for her--if not proactively get her. So she will have a nice paying job to fill her pockets. 

But for how long? So I thought about writing this blog post.
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NSO Certificates Online Application

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Request for NSO birth certificate, marriage certificate, CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage Record) or death certificate can be done from the comfort of your home. No more long lines and long waiting time, processing is now fast and hassle free. Just follow the simple steps below.

1. Go to e-Census website https://www.ecensus.com.ph. Go to "Request" select "Online Application".
2. Read the information carefully, click the "Click here to request now" button.

3. Read and accept the terms and conditions.
4. Fill out the Contact and Delivery Information.
5. Confirm the details.
6. Add your request(s) for Birth, Marriage, Death or CENOMAR, then click Submit.
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Is this a good investment for me?

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The most common questions I get are variants of “Is this a good investment for me?”  Where can I invest my money? Should I get an MF or UITF? I got a VUL is that ok? Which investment is better? Did I make a good (the right) choice?  They would come from all sorts of people, with all sorts of background – student, OFW, people at the start of their careers, some near the end of their career.
The most common questions I get are variants of “Is this a good investment for me?”

Where can I invest my money? Should I get an MF or UITF? I got a VUL is that ok? Which investment is better? Did I make a good (the right) choice?
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12 Life Lessons for Entrepreneurs by Bunny Pages | Wealth Bootcamp 2.0

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Last March 19, 2017, the much awaited second series of Wealth Bootcamp: From Zero to Hero was held at Harold's Hotel. Around 150 entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs attended the powerful event.

The first speaker, Jess Faller, Engineer by profession and a Certified Financial Educator talked about the Big 3 in the Financial Industry - the Banking Industry, the Insurance Industry and Investment Industry, where money is created, distributed, brought and sold.

 "It is not mainly about your career that makes you successful - it's in the daily financial decisions and lifestyle  that makes you a failure or a success." 

That' why Financial Education is the biggest and most powerful innovation today. It is important to have basic knowledge on personal finance.

-Saving the right way
-Managing Debts
-Creating Emergency Funds
-Knowing the Power of Compound Interest
-Building Solid Financial Foundation - Life Insurance, Healthcare, Stock Market, Mutual Funds

The best solution to get ahead is to become a Financial Literacy advocate. Attend lectures, seminars, coaching classes such as TRC of Bro. Bo, WBC of ProsperPinoy and/or weekend Financial Education Workshop of IMG.

The second speaker was one of  Cebu's leading entrepreneur, Mr. Bunny Pages, the owner of Thirsty, Lantaw Restaurant, Mooon Cafe, and many more. He personally shared how happy he was to be speaking in front, he just had a surgery and thank God he is doing very well now for he was able to deliver inspiring lessons that day.

12 Life Lessons for Entrepreneurs

1. A Business is given by the Lord. 

A business is a blessing, you should cooperate with grace. Always pray for guidance, his simple prayer is like this "Lord if this is for me, please make it easy. If it's not, please make it hard."

And since it is given by the Lord, you must always be prepared - "It is better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be prepared."

2. Don't stop learning.

Practice "Kaizen" a Japanese term for continuous improvement. Doing small improvements daily is the key to long-term success in life and in business.

Bunny Pages became who he is today through reading. Some of the books that changed his life are the following:
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